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申请人在环境样品荧光及散射光谱解析方面开展了系统研究,基于电荷转移模型准确分析了DOM荧光光谱,拓展了荧光光谱的适用范围;同时,从光散射理论出发,利用干涉散射谱解析了环境颗粒物的本征信息,并据此消除光散射干扰;在此基础上,研制了小型化三维荧光监测污染溯源仪,为荧光光谱在实际水环境监测及污染溯源应用中提供了关键技术支持。以第一/通讯作者在Nat. Commun.Editors' Highlights, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(热点文章),Environ. Sci. & Technol.2篇,1篇为封面文章)Anal. Chem.4篇)Water Res.5篇)Nano Lett.2篇,1篇为封面文章), Environ. Sci. & Technol. Lett.(封面文章)等SCI刊物上发表论文22篇,授权发明专利7件研制的小型三维荧光监测仪已走向产业化应用。



1.     环境分析新方法、新仪器研发

2.     环境光谱、成像数据分析挖掘

3.     环境深度学习方法开发与应用



1.     国际水协会(IWA)中国青年委员会委员




1.    Wu, G.; Lv, W. L.; Qian, C.*; Liu, X. W.*, High-Throughput Identification of Single Nanoparticles via Electrochemically Assisted High-Resolution Plasmonic Scattering Interferometric Microscopy. Nano Lett. 2024, 24, (20), 6124-6130.

2.    Wu, G.; Qian, C.*; Lv, W. L.; Zhao, X. N.; Liu, X. W.*, Dynamic imaging of interfacial electrochemistry on single Ag nanowires by azimuth-modulated plasmonic scattering interferometry. Nat Commun 2023, 14, (1), 4194.

3.    Wan, J. H.; Qian, C.*; Wu, G.; Liu, X. W.*, High-Resolution, High-Throughput Plasmonic Imaging of Nanomaterials. Anal. Chem. 2023, 95, (18), 7271-7277.

4.    Lv, W. L.; Qian, C.*; Cao, C. X.; Lv, Z. T.; Liu, X. W.*, Plasmonic Scattering Imaging of Surface-Bonded Nanoparticles at the Solution-Solid Interface. ACS Appl Mater Inter 2023, 15, (24), 29561-29567.

5.    Gong, B.; Chen, W.; Sit, P. H. L.; Liu, X. W.; Qian, C.*; Yu, H. Q.*, Multiple spectroscopic insights into the interaction mechanisms between proteins and humic acid. Water Res. 2023, 243, 120424.

6.    Gong, B.; Chen, W.; Qian, C.*; Sit, P. H. L.; Liu, X. W.; Yu, H. Q.*, Contribution of proteins to ceramic membrane fouling at the early stage of membrane filtration. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2023, 312, 123450.

7.    Gong, B.; Chen, W.; Liu, X. W.; Qian, C.*, One-step fluorometric determination of multiple-component dissolved organic matter in aquatic environments. Sci. Total Environ. 2023, 873, 162200.

8.    Du, M.; Chen, W.; Qian, C.*; Chen, Z.; Chen, G. L.; Yu, H. Q.*, Using Rayleigh Scattering to Correct the Inner Filter Effect of the Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrix. Anal. Chem. 2023, 95, (33), 12273-12283.

9.    Chen, Z.; Du, M.; Yang, X. D.; Chen, W.; Li, Y. S.; Qian, C.*; Yu, H. Q.*, Deep-Learning-Based Automated Tracking and Counting of Living Plankton in Natural Aquatic Environments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57, 46, 18048–18057.

10.  Yang, X. D.; Gong, B.; Chen, W.; Qian, C.*; Du, M.; Yu, H. Q.*, In-situ quantitative monitoring the organic contaminants uptake onto suspended microplastics in aquatic environments. Water Res. 2022, 215, 118235.

11.  Wu, G.; Zhou, X.; Lv, W. L.; Qian, C.*; Liu, X. W.*, Real-Time Plasmonic Imaging of the Compositional Evolution of Single Nanoparticles in Electrochemical Reactions. Nano Lett. 2022, 22, (11), 4383-4391.

12.  Lv, Z.-T.; Qian, C.*; Liu, Y.-N.; Lv, Y.-H.; Liu, X.-W.*, Optical Tracking of Surfactant-Tuned Bacterial Adhesion: a Single-Cell Imaging Study. Applied and environmental microbiology 2022, e0162622.

13.  Gong, B.; Du, M.; Qian, C.*; Chen, W.; Sit, P. H. L.; Liu, X. W.; Yu, H. Q.*, Why Should Tryptones Rather Than Bovine Serum Albumin Be Used as Model Proteins to Explore the Interactions between Proteins and Pollutants in Environments? Environ. Sci. Techno. Lett. 2021, 8, (12), 1038-1044.