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黄贵祥 博士







1. 环境功能纳米材料合成与调控

2. 高级氧化技术研发与催化机制解析


  • Huang, G.-X.; Wang, C.-Y.; Yang, C.-W.; Guo, P.-C.; Yu, H.-Q.*, Degradation of bisphenol A by peroxymonosulfate catalytically activated with Mn1.8Fe1.2O4 nanospheres: synergism between Mn and Fe. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 12611-12618.

  • Huang, G.-X.#; Si, J.-Y.#; Qian, C.; Wang, W.-K.; Mei, S.-C.; Wang, C.-Y.; Yu, H.-Q.*, Ultrasensitive fluorescence detection of peroxymonosulfate based on a sulfate radical-mediated aromatic hydroxylation. Anal. Chem. 2018, 90 (24), 14439-14446. 

  • Ke, M.-K.; Huang, G.-X.*; Mei, S.-C.; Wang, Z.-H.; Zhang, Y.-J.; Hua, T.-W.; Zheng, L.-R.; Yu, H.-Q.*, Interface-promoted direct oxidation of p-arsanilic acid and removal of total arsenic by the coupling of peroxymonosulfate and Mn-Fe-mixed oxide. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 7063-7071. 

  • Mei, S.-C.#; Rui X.-H.#; Li L.; Huang, G.-X.*; Pan X.-Q.; Ke M.-K.; Wang Z.-H.; Yu, H.-Q.*; Yu, Y.*, Quantitative co-assembly for precise synthesis of mesoporous nanospheres with pore structure-dependent catalytic performance. Adv. Mater. 2021, 33 (43), 2103130.

  • Zhang, Y.-J.#; Huang, G.-X.#; Winter, L. R.; Chen, J.-J.; Tian, L.; Mei, S.-C.; Zhang, Z.; Chen, F.; Guo, Z.-Y.; Ji, R.; You, Y.-Z.; Li, W.-W.; Liu X.-W.; Yu, H.-Q.*, Elimelech M.*, Simultaneous nanocatalytic surface activation of pollutants and oxidants for highly efficient water decontamination. Nat. Commun. 2022, 13 (1), 3005. 

  • Mei, S.-C.#; Huang, G.-X.#; Rui, X.-H.; Li, L.; Ke, M.-K.; Pan, X.-Q.; Wang, Z.-H.; Yang, X.-D.; Yu, H.-Q.; Yu, Y. Sequential assembly tailored interior of porous carbon spheres for boosted water decontamination through peroxymonosulfate activation. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, n/a (n/a), 2111184. 

  • Huang, B.-C.#; Huang, G.-X.#; Jiang, J.; Liu, W.-J.; Yu, H.-Q.*, Carbon-based catalyst synthesized and immobilized under calcium salt assistance to boost singlet oxygen evolution for pollutant degradation. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11 (46), 43180-43187. 

  • Zhou, X.#; Ke, M.-K.#; Huang, G.-X.; Chen, C.; Chen, W.; Liang, K.; Qu, Y.; Yang, J.; Wang, Y.; Li, F.; Yu, H.-Q.; Wu, Y. Identification of Fenton-like active Cu sites by heteroatom modulation of electronic density. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2022, 119 (8), e2119492119.

  • Chen, F.; Huang, G.-X.; Yao, F.-B.; Yang, Q.; Zheng, Y.-M.; Zhao, Q.-B.; Yu, H.-Q.*, Catalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin by a visible-light-assisted peroxymonosulfate activation system: Performance and mechanism. Water Res. 2020, 173, 115559.